Picture of Infusion Cormat

Infusion Cormat

Picture of Infusion Cormat

Coremat is a polyester nonwoven that contains microspheres and is used as at thin core (bulker mat) or print blocker (liner) in fibre reinforced laminated, manufactured in Hand Lay-Up or Spray-Up processes. Coremat should always be fully impregnated with resin.The microspheares in Coremat prevent excessive resin up-take. The most important resons to use Coremat are:

- Weight saving
- Resin and glass saving
- Increase stiffness
- Fast thickness build-up
- Excellent surfase finish

Lantor Coremat
NameThickness (mm)Roll Length (m)width (m)Thickness loss (at 0.8 bar %)Max processing temperature (ºC)Resin Uptake (kg/m2 )Dry weight (g/m2 )Density impregnated (kg/m2 ) Download
LRC 1.51.5701.27<151700.6115470
LRC 22601.27<151700.8155470
LRC 33401.27<151701235450
TF 1.51.51201.27<251700.890700
TF 22801.27<251701120700
TF 33501.27<251701.4160700
SF 22801.27<151701125700
SF 33501.27<151701.3165600
XXF 1.51.51001.27<101701100650
XXF 225001.27<101701.2125650

139 Phraya Suren 30 Alley Bang Chan Khlong Sam Wa Bangkok 10510 Thailand


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