Bulk molding compound (BMC) is a bulky mixture of chopped glass fibers, resin paste and fillers. Even though other fibers such as sisal, asbestos, carbon, aramid, chopped nylon rag and wood are used, the most common reinforcing fiber in BMC is E-glass fiber. As BMC is usually mixed in a dough-like form rather than as a sheet, it is also called dough molding compound (DMC), and is sold in a log or rope form. To avoid any material changes during storage and transport it is packaged in a styrene tight packaging. Using BMC in the compression moulding process we can produce high-volumes of small complex parts with optimal electrical and corrosion resistant properties. The fire-retardant nature of the compound makes it ideal for use in the electrical or lighting industry.
BMC can also be injection moulded and this is a well-known moulding technique with BMC. Well-known products such as lighting for the automotive and mining industry are proven examples of BMC being injection moulded. The decision on whether to injection mould or compression mould will be based on the part to be manufactured.